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Hello Beautiful…!


My name is Sarah Kochan and I’m a motivated boss-lady dedicated to helping high-achieving women scale their online business to 5-figure months without overwhelm.  

I know first-hand what it’s like to want to make a major change in your life – to change your career, to improve yourself both internally and externally, and to live a more fulfilling, less stressful and energetic life!

For many years I followed the typical life path…going to college, getting a degree, finding a ‘career’, getting married, buying a house, …. and guess what?  

I was absolutely miserable.

And this vision of my life that I always imagined, totally collapsed and the universe shifted me and sent me in the complete opposite direction.

I never in my life imagined that I would feel so alone and lost.

I decided that things needed to change.  And quickly.  So, in 2014 while teaching full-time, I started my first business from my home.   Within 2 years, I was able to scale my business to 6-figures doing what I loved and was able to resign from teaching so that I could pursue my actual passion, full-time.  

I now had complete control of my life and job – I no longer had a job that controlled me.  

During this process, I learned more than I could imagine and have had the opportunity to meet and work with so many intelligent, ambitious, and creative people!  I also started helping other women who were in a similar situation as myself to coach and guide them through how to make bold changes in their life in order for them to live their best life possible.

Why settle for mediocre when you 
can have everything you’ve ever dreamed of?

I decided that I wanted to help other women in similar situations as myself build their own successful online business because I know that there are so many people out there that are genuinely not happy with certain aspects of their lives…

It IS possible to live those dreams that you have…and to make a lot of money doing what you are most passionate about!


You can find a way

I knew at a young age that I was meant to do big things and truly help people. Roadblocks have never scared me and I’ve always had the mindset that if you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way to achieve it.

Life has its own way of leading you in the right direction, even though it may not make sense at the time.  I knew that I needed to be working with people, helping them, and educating them because that’s where my passion is!!  When you follow your heart and have a career that you’re truly passionate about, that’s when everything makes sense and feels right.  ☺

I never imagined having the freedom that I do, running 2 successful businesses with a team of over 25+, being able to make my own hours, work for myself, create businesses that have passion, and to be able to help as many people as I have!

Accept your past without regret, handle your present with experience, and face your future without fear.

So the courses and resources that I create and the coaching that I do is meant for you!

Are you sitting there doubting yourself and keep spinning the same thoughts around in your mind, thinking:  “Is this it?  Aren’t I meant to do more and feel a lot happier?”  

The answer is YES!!!  And I’m here to help…

It’s time to make a change and the time is now.  

Don’t sit back and watch the world go by.  Live the life you are meant to live!

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The Freedom Living Business Formala

After creating two successful business over the past 8 years, I have developed my own Signature Method to help serve my clients in the best way possible.

Together, we use this 3-step process to help you achieve your unqiue business goals that will start leading you to consistent 5-figure months.

Step 1: Discover Your Powerful Mindset and Message

Step 2: Create Content That Converts

Step 3: Sell Your Offer with Simple Strategies

This is a super powerful method created specifically for you to have a simple and sustainable business that you are obsessed about!

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10 Fun Facts About Me!

  1. I’ve been playing piano for just about 33 years

  2. I have a Master’s Degree in Math and taught high school math for 10 years

  3. I am one of the world’s biggest animal lovers – even bugs!

  4. I’ve run 10 half-marathons, 5 Fall Fifty Relay races and competed in an NPC Bikini Competition

  5. I could eat chocolate, cheese and drink wine alllll day… but I don’t… not everyday… ☺

  6. I have the best family and friends that a girl can ask for!

  7. I own two successful business, that I built from scratch

  8. I’m an Aquarius and an INTJ

  9. I believe that kindness and love always wins

  10. I see the number 11:11 everywhere… 

What I Believe In


1. Hard work, determination, sweat and tears is what it takes … there’s no short-cuts or secret passwords.


2.  Positive energy breeds positive energy – If you want to feel good and do good, then surround yourself with like-minded individuals that feel the same way.  Toxic people and environments will bring you down!


3.  I’ve created all of my courses and materials based on my past experiences, what I’ve gone through and learned.  I want to help as many people as I can live the life that they are meant to live!  Anything is possible…!


4. Live in the moment. There is always going to be work that needs to get done, chores and errands to do, family activities to take care of, etc. Enjoy the present time with the ones you love!


5.  Always choose love and kindness.  Remember, each individual is in a completely different position than yourself and everyone is going through their own battles.  Always be kind, lend a hand, an ear, a hug, or time. You are loved and people need you!

Ready to create and scale your online business?